Sifu Niko’s Complete 11 Wing Tsun DVD Set

Sifu Niko’s Complete 11 Wing Tsun DVD Set

Sifu Niko has released his 11 DVD set covering the entire Leung Ting system on Everything Wing Chun.

These well-made DVDs are in German, but English speakers can still follow-along easily.

These are the first Wing Tsun-teaching-DVDs on the market to show thoroughly and clearly the full system. Sifu Niko professionally demonstrates Wing Tsun techniques in a detailed and easily understandable way.

These DVDs are equally well suited for both beginners and instructors!
– For the beginner for self-study.
– For instructors as the basis for their teaching.

6 thoughts on “Sifu Niko’s Complete 11 Wing Tsun DVD Set

  1. Hallo Ich habe das WT Kampfkunst Lernprogramm 11 abgeschlossen. Ich beherrsche es mit zugebundenen Augen.
    Und meine Frage mit was für ein Programm für die Holzpuppe kann ich weiter machen, oder Ergänzen.


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