Review by: Fred Sears As usual, the delivery time for this dvd from EWC (“Everything Wing Chun”) was exemplary – approximately 3 days from when the order was placed to delivery to me. When purchased as…
Review – Look Beyond the Pointing Finger (2nd Edition)
“Look at the Pointing Finger – The Combat Philosophy of Wong Shun Leung” is an expanded second edition of Sifu Peterson’s monumental work on Wong Shun Leung Wing Chun (WSLWC). Of course it is well known…
Review – David Peterson’s Cham Kiu Seminar DVD
Once again Sifu Peterson, “The Blue Print of Wong Shun Leung Wing Chun” has produced an exceptional DVD video on Cham Kiu (bridge-seeking), the second form of Wing Chun titled “ Cham Kiu Seminar.” This seminar…

Wing Chun Butterfly Swords Guide
The various Wing Chun lineages have specific types of butterfly swords (Baat Jam Do, or Bart Jarm Do) they require you to buy. There is no right or wrong type or style of sword. Most of the forms…