Buick Yip Chow Wood Poles
"Chow" Wood is a good quality wood for long poles, as it is strong and straight. These poles are nearly identical to the Qwan Din wood poles, except they are a bit less oily.
In order for the poles to be made straight and not warp, the wood needs to be dry, and dry wood is more prone to crack or splinter under heavy impact. However, if you take care of your pole and do not beat it unnecessarily hard, it will last you a long time.
The 9 foot poles (about 106" actually) normally weigh-in at 5-6 lbs. Tip is 1" Base varies from 1 1/4 inch to 1 3/4 inch.
One should store poles vertically with the tip down and not lean them against a wall or else they can bend and warp.