Everything Wing Chun recently released their latest line of wall bags (sand bags), and introduced their first Iron Palm bag (with leather or synthetic leather striking surface), which is getting rave reviews! Check out these unique…

Sifu Taner and Sifu Graziano’s New Chi Sao DVDs & Siu Nim Tao
Sifu Taner and Sifu Graziano have released the following DVDs: (digital versions here) These DVDs take you through the Leung Ting lineage chi sao sections and Siu Nim Tao!
Sifu Fernandez’s New Grading Videos on EWC Instant Access!
Fighterman Sifu Fernandez has released a complete package of high quality videos for all people wanting to learn real world self defense. These videos are unique as they are the standards used in all the schools…
Buick Yip Chow Wood Poles
Sifu Sergio’s 3 New Chi Sao DVDs
Sifu Sergio has released 3 more DVDs on Chi Sao – Sections 2, 3, and 7. These DVDs take you through the Leung Ting lineage chi sao sections as they were personally taught to Sifu Sergio…
Sifu Niko’s Complete 11 Wing Tsun DVD Set
Sifu Niko has released his 11 DVD set covering the entire Leung Ting system on Everything Wing Chun. These well-made DVDs are in German, but English speakers can still follow-along easily. These are the first Wing…
Verstehen Sie Duetch? Sifu Niko’s First 2 DVDs are now online.
Sifu Niko has released the first 2 of his 12 DVD set for download. These well-made DVDs are in German, but English speakers can still follow-along easily. These are the first Wing Tsun-teaching-DVDs on the market…