Many Chinese martial arts use “Butterfly Swords,” but they are the jewel of the Wing Chun system. Practitioners who reach their level of study are expected to practice intensely, thoughtfully and achieve an understanding that recursively…
Nightmare Grind Butterfly Knives — Special Project
A couple of U.S. Western-style knife makers did blades with a combination of different grinds. For example, a convex (lenticular) grind adjacent to a concave (hollow) grind. I am not sure this sort of thing is…
Dangerous Wing Chun Swords from Longquan.
Here is a good article warning about some cheaply made and dangerous swords currently coming out of China. From : “A Longquan sword maker is selling Bat Jom Do on eBay as “lqyanggu”. I suspect…

Good Article on the History of Baat Jarm Dao / Hudiedao.
I just wanted to mention a great read on the history of BaatJarmDao /Butterfly Swords /Hudiedao. Our friends at Kung Fu Tea did a great job with this article and we recommend you go take a…

Everything Wing Chun Butterfly Swords Guide
This post is intended to to help you decide which series/model of Wing Chun Butterfly Swords to purchase. This guide is intended to be used for Everything Wing Chun’s (EWC) line of Butterfly swords, although it may have some value…
Testing BJD Prototypes – Smashing Wood and Concrete
Today I finally got the prototypes of our new line of swords, what I am currently calling our “Tough-As-Hell” line, or “Midnight” line of swords. We also got our Aluminum practice swords and “Leung Ting style”…
Sasquatch-Style Butterfly Knives
Perhaps the most valuable Randall knife is the big Sasquatch recurve designed by Doug Kenefick. They sell for about $1100 to $1300 per single knife on eBay. I have one on order from him, but meanwhile…