Sifu Sergio invites you to be a virtual class participant in this installment of his Ip Man Wing Chun Series. There is a lot of information provided in this nearly forty minute DVD—the short run time…
Review – James Sinclair – 21st Anniv Conference Celebration
Fans and supporters of Sifu James Sinclair’s UK Wing Chun Association are in for a treat with nearly three hours of video footage covering demonstrations, presentations, and instructional components to make up this 21st Anniversary Celebratory…
Review – Sifu Sergio – Ip Man Series: Siu Nim Tao and Applications
Recently I decided to pick up one of Sifu Sergio’s DVDs called “Ip Man Wing Chun Series Siu Nim Tau and variations.” If you are not familiar with Sergio, he is known for traveling the world…
Review – Wayne Belonoha – WCU – Wooden Dummy Lessons
Wing Chun University offers a wide range of video courses that cover the Wing Chun system from A to Z. For a while now, I have been meaning to check them out, mainly because Sifu Wayne…
Review – Adam Chan – Pragmatic Martial Arts – Core Self Defense
This is one hell of a big DVD set! It features over 12 hours of lessons on Adam Chan’s Pragmatic Martial Arts Self Defense System. The information provided on this massive set is the culmination of…
Review – Chuck O’Neill – Chi Sau Collection
As someone who is a Wing Chun fanatic, I am always looking for good DVDs about Wing Chun Chi Sau. Which is why I decided to get the Sifu Chuck O’Neill – Chi Sau Collection. He breaks down Chi Sau…
Review – Canvas 3-Section Wall Bag
After breaking my single section wall bag, I decided to replace it with a 3 section wall bag. My goal was to get something that will last a long time and I never used before. I watched a few online videos…