VTM Wing Chun Series #1-2: Sil Nim Tao: The Foundation By Sifu Benny Meng Part 1: In this the first video in the Ving Tsun Museum (VTM) Wing Chun series, Sifu Benny Meng covers in great…
Review – Gary Lam’s Philosophy of Wing Chun Fighting DVD
The DVD “Five Element System” by Sifu Gary Lam is one the two more advanced topic Wing Chun DVDs in Sifu Lam’s growing Wing Chun DVD library (currently numbering fourteen titles). Wing Chun is different than…
Review – Vingrove A Thomas’ Wing Chun Kung Fu, The Basics
What it’s about: This presentation is on the basics of Wing Chun Kung, specifically on the fundamentals of the Sli Nim Tao form and its associated applications. Comments: Sifu V.A. Thomas demonstrates and provides instruction on…
Review – Ian Protheroe’s DVD, The Wing Chun Fighting System
What it’s about: Ivan Protheroe presents his interpretation of Wing Chun as a fighting system and its combative techniques. Sifu Protheroe is also a life member of the Ving Tsun Athletic Association which was established by…
Review – Gary Lam’s Wing Chun Kicking Instructional DVD
Most non- Wing Chun martial artists associate Wing Chun solely with hand techniques, but in fact from the very first form of Wing Chun, “Sil Lim Tau,” stance and leg work are there, but perhaps not…
Review – Jim Fung’s Wing Chun DVD
What it’s about: Grandmaster Jim Fung – International Wing Chun Academy – presents the fundamentals of Sil Lim Tao’s attacks and Defenses. Comments: Master Jim Fung is a direct descendant of Wing Chun’s Grand Master Cho…
Review – Joseph Lee’s Attack and Counter Attack DVD
What it’s about: This DVD covers the basic techniques of Wing Chun Kung Fu, demonstrating the potential of the system’s attacks and counter attacks while showing its training methods in the Chi Sao, and the relevant…