What it’s about: This four volume DVD series provides instruction in the science of Anatomy and Physiology presented within the context of personal health and martial arts practice for Wing Chun Kung-fu practitioners.
Review – Gary Lam’s Complete Wooden Dummy Instructional DVD
“The Complete Wooden Dummy Instructional DVD” is Sifu Gary Lam’s first DVD on the Mook Yan Jong (MYJ) as taught by the late Wong Shun Leung. Since releasing this DVD Sifu Lam had now released a…
Review – Gary Lam’s Back Yard Chi Sao DVD
This DVD is a relaxed presentation of Chi Sau. The DVD focuses exclusively on Chi Sau, which also means all elements of Wing Chun forms and theory are present. Presented literally in a backyard the DVD…
Review – Tony Massengill’s Instructors Series: Siu Lim Tao DVD 1
What It’s About: Instruction in this DVD is presented by Master Tony Massengill, demonstrating Wing Chun’s first form known as Siu Lim Tao. Comments: Siu Lim Tao establishes the foundation for practice and application of technique…
Review – Tony Massengill’s Concrete Arena Vol 1 DVD
What It’s About: In this DVD production, Master Tony Massengill presents instruction on street environment fighting techniques based on the Wing Chun system of defensive close range tactics
Review – Tony Massengill’s Close Range Combat DVD
What It’s About: Sifu Massengill presents applications of the close range fighting techniques of the Wing Chun Kung-fu system. Comments: If you’re looking for a DVD that demonstrates genuine Wing Chun Kung-Fu technique, then this is…
Review – Tony Massengill’s Wing Chun Training Drills DVD
What It’s About: Sifu Tony Massengill presents Wing Chun training drills to develop conditioned reflexes for combat. Comments: Before you can apply close range technique in a fighting situation one must drill properly in order to…