Review – Tony Massengill’s Concrete Arena Vol 1 DVD

Review – Tony Massengill’s Concrete Arena Vol 1 DVD

What It’s About:

In this DVD production, Master Tony Massengill presents instruction on street environment fighting techniques based on the Wing Chun system of defensive close range tactics

As in previous DVDs produced by Master Tony Massengill, he presents his philosophy and methods geared toward the street environment. This is usually a potential encounter where anything can happen; there are no rules or time outs as in sport martial arts. One must learn he said to exploit an opponent’s targets at close range and because of legal reasons one must also appear non-aggressive should others be watching at a distance; they could be potential witnesses. This is the reason one should use what he calls the “interview” stance. Here, your hands are held in a non-aggressive manner, but ready to engage the situation if need be. But, one should first attempt to defuse the situation; however, the best defense is just to leave. Massengill’s advice is based on his extensive background in law enforcement and as an Emergency Medical Technician (EMT). There are, unfortunately a few production flaws in this DVD. The sound quality is poor and it includes secondary visual frames which are supposed to enhance one’s learning as you watch the video. But I found them more distracting than instructional. However, what is demonstrated is useful technique regarding how to deal with a potential street fight situation.

Master Massengill, provides instruction in all of the basic methods for close range fighting as he had in previous DVDs, but in more detail. He talks about the anatomy of the short range punch and how important it is not to tighten your muscles, this will only slow you up and reduce your sensitivity when you come in contact with the opponent and what is most important you’ll lose power. Use your body properly he said, “The structure of the body has its own power.” How one defends against kicks is also shown, particularly against the Moy Tai fighter. One also has the opportunity to see how Chin Na techniques can be used in the street fight situation and how to use the elbow and knee at close range.

This DVD provides lots of basic technique in learning how to fight at close range and to utilize all the Wing Chun methods when you’re in a street environment. However, the best advice this DVD gives, is that one’s best defense is not to be there in the first place! One’s level of awareness is the key ingredient in knowing what could happen within an environment that might present a potential encounter with an adversary. In spite of this DVD’s production short comings it does provide you with useful instructional material and that’s where its real value lies.

Technical Specifications:

Title: Concrete Arena Vol 1
DVD Length: 49 mins
Region: 0
Type: DVD-R
Format: NTSC
Video Quality: Average
Audio Quality: 2/5 (Poor)

Content Overview:

  • Introduction
    • What is different about the street environment and sports martial arts?
  • Close range strikes or close range combat.
    • Close range means within arm’s reach.
    • The principle of distant is different on the street.
    • Sports martial arts do not cover all the ground.
    • Exploit the vulnerable targets.
  • Law enforcement considerations.
    • The police do not know who is originally at fault.
    • The advantages of using the “interview” stance.
  • The front line punch.
    • The natural anatomical position of the body.
    • Structural disengagement.
    • The distance between you and the other person.
    • If you have the distance the best decision you can make is to just leave!
    • If you’re at the proper distance when the punch comes use your kicks to keep your opponent out of range
    • Bridge Contact…know where the power comes from.
  • Short Range Contact.
    • Don’t tighten your muscles.
    • Use your shoulders and body properly.
    • Look for the open path.
    • The structure of the body has its own power.
  • Bridge Contact.
    • Control and accountability.
    • The triangular approach.
    • The cutting punch and trap.
    • Controlling the Elbow controls the body.
    • The advantage of using the open hand.
    • The advantages of using a preload maneuver.
    • Using the knife edge of the forearm.
    • Using the fook Sao hand.
    • Using your fingers to attack the eyes, which are the weakest part of the body.
    • Elbows are used at close range.
    • Elbows and using the body mass.

Reviewed by: George Hernandez
Date: May 14, 2011
DVD Bought on: 
Everything Wing Chun
This DVD is also available for download on Everything Wing Chun Instant Access

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