The coveted and, at one time, exclusively guarded weapons of Wing Chun entice the practitioner’s aspirations to learn the double knives as a point of proficiency, with the allure of being amongst a committed echelon that…
WCI Review – Randy Williams’ Bot Jom Doh Form: 108 Motions
Wing Chun’s reputation is primarily recognised for its signature Vertical Fist, Chi Sau and Wooden Dummy training to develop attributes with lightning speed and accuracy, allowing the practitioner to effectively subdue an opponent quickly with an…
Review – Randy Williams – Wing Chun Wood Dummy – 6 DVDs
Quick Summary: This series on the wooden dummy is presented in six volumes, which cover the following instructional material: (Volume 1: Section 1 – 2), (Volume 2: Section 3 – 7), (Volume 3: Section 8 –…
Review – Randy Williams – Bot Jam Doh – Vol.1
Quick Summary: This video provides instruction in the Bot Jom Doh – Wing Chun Butterfly Knives – in a two volume set. The first Volume presents a brief description of the weapon’s history and its related…
Review – Randy Williams – Bot Jom Doh – Vol 2
Quick Summary: This second volume of the Bot Jom Doh (Butterfly Knives), presents detailed instruction in the application of the knives in 24 sections “knives vs Knives” and 10 sections, where “Knives vs Pole.” A comparison…
Review – Randy Williams – Look Deem Boon Gwun – Vol 1
Quick Summary: Instruction on the long pole is presented in a two volume set. Volume 1 covers details related to the poles dimensions, how long it should be and how the pole is held, etc. And…
Review – Randy Williams – Look Deem Boon Gwun – Vol 2
Quick Summary: The second volume of this series demonstrates auxiliary training methods with the Long Pole, for strength development and the execution of technique. The wooden dummy is introduced with extension poles from the upper two…