Building the right skillsets requires the right tools for the job. The Wing Chun wall-bag, although not exclusive but universally trained in the system, is a fundamental and essential training implement that never ceases to provide…
Review – Jonathan Petree – Complete Wall Bag Training Regimen
If you are looking to get started with a Wing Chun wall bag, Jonathan Petree’s video “Complete Wall Bag Training Regimen For Developing Striking Power” is an excellent video to watch. He teaches everything from why…
How to Make Your Own Wing Chun Spring Arm Training Device
Blog Post by EverythingWingChun customer, John Cook. – Thanks, John!! Ok! Here are the parts needed to make your own wing chun spring-arm trainer. This is my 2nd attempt and both turned-out awesome! I built my…
7 Wing Chun Training Tools to Increase Your Punching Power
One issue that many Wing Chun people struggle with is “how to punch harder.” The truth is there is NO magic bullet or special technique that will allow you to suddenly punch harder and faster. It…
Review – Canvas 3-Section Wall Bag
After breaking my single section wall bag, I decided to replace it with a 3 section wall bag. My goal was to get something that will last a long time and I never used before. I watched a few online videos…
New Unique Wing Chun Wall Bags and Iron Palm Bag
Everything Wing Chun recently released their latest line of wall bags (sand bags), and introduced their first Iron Palm bag (with leather or synthetic leather striking surface), which is getting rave reviews! Check out these unique…

For all the technique and execution that can be honed via punching, kicking, or otherwise striking at air, it’s difficult to attain true practical mastery of any striking martial art without actually making contact with something…